HCP Resources

US WorldMeds® is committed to providing you with tools to help manage patients experiencing opioid withdrawal


ASAM 2020 Guideline Flashcard

Learn more about the inclusion of LUCEMYRA® in the updated 2020 ASAM National Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder. This flashcard highlights how LUCEMYRA can be used as a treatment for opioid withdrawal and provides insight on the unique role of alpha-2 adrenergic agonists in addiction medicine.

LUCEMYRA Educational Brochure

This downloadable brochure, intended for healthcare providers, contains useful information on how LUCEMYRA can help patients get through opioid withdrawal. It shows treatment information, possible adverse reactions, and important safety information.

Patient Atlas

This downloadable guide has more information on the different patient circumstances for which LUCEMYRA may be appropriate and how LUCEMYRA can improve effective withdrawal management outcomes.

Dosing Guide

A downloadable guide on prescribing LUCEMYRA that includes dosing examples and safety considerations.

HCP Education

A downloadable clinical studies summary on LUCEMYRA for the treatment of opioid withdrawal symptoms.

Additional Resources

US WorldMeds is not responsible for the content on external websites.
  • Explore current resources from the AMA Opioid Task Force to help reverse the nation’s opioid epidemic
  • Access an informative collection of materials from the AMA, including task force recommendations and highlighting measures currently underway to address the opioid crisis
  • This collection features AAFP editors’ choice of best content on the opioid epidemic and related issues, including chronic opioid therapy, chronic pain management, opioid prescribing, and opioid misuse
  • The AAAP provides many different resources for healthcare professionals who are helping those with substance abuse disorders and mental disorders
  • Helpful information for nursing professionals regarding pain management and opioid prescribing
  • Members of the ACEP Emergency Medicine Practice Committee share a number of helpful resources regarding opioid prescribing in the emergency department (ED)
  • Promoting the growth and development of comprehensive opioid treatment services throughout the United States
  • Information on the FDA’s comprehensive action plan to reduce the impact of the growing epidemic of opioid abuse, dependence, and overdose in the United States
  • Information on how recovery-oriented care and recovery support systems help people with mental and/or substance use disorders manage their condition
  • Mission is to advance science on the causes and consequences of drug use and addiction and to apply that knowledge to improve individual and public health

Medical inquiries and reporting adverse events

For all medical inquiries, contact US WorldMeds Medical Affairs: 1-888-900-USWM (8796) or [email protected].
To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS or product complaints, contact the FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or www.fda.gov/medwatch.
You may also report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS or product complaints to US WorldMeds at 1-833-LUCEMYRA
Additional information can be requested using the US WorldMeds Medical Information Request Form. Medical Information Request Form.



The LUminate Support Program provides your patients with a variety of tools and resources to help them get through opioid withdrawal, including:


Read about a 5-Day treatment study LUCEMYRA significantly reduced the severity of withdrawal symptoms


Read about a 5-Day treatment study where LUCEMYRA significantly reduced the severity of withdrawal symptoms